- Find your passion, do what you love and magic will happen! These girls GOT THAT GOING with their Galaxy S22!
Own what you love, capture memories, and share your story to the world!
“The world is evolving and so are women. Women today aren’t afraid to explore new territories or execute new ideas,” were the words heard in conversation between three inspiring girl bosses who aren’t only passionate about the work they do, but even so about living their best life while preserving those precious moments on their smartphone. For busy girlies like themselves, a good smartphone is the glue to keeping their lives in-tact, and that’s why they recently switched to the new Galaxy experience with their brand new Galaxy S22!
Let’s hear it from them straight, but before that…
Meet these Amazing Girls

Dayang has worked in the tv industry since she was in her late teens, amassing over a decade of experience and accolades. You can count on her to do anything from hosting to presenting to reporting. Dayang credits her family, particularly her one-year-old kid, as the driving force behind her motivation.

Music has always been and will remain to be Sachie‘s faithful companion. Music is a mystical medium for healing, empowerment, and inspiration for Sachie’s self-expression as a recording artist, and it is more than just music to her.

Shivani‘s lifestyle and fashion-focused content aims to educate and inspire women all over the world. She’s won plenty of awards and been featured in multiple magazines for her expertise in beauty and content creation throughout the course of her ten-year career.
The ladies juggle a steady load of content for the various social platforms that they’re on, in addition to the BIG SHOES to fill in their respective careers. Being in the tv industry means that Dayang is always required to keep up with the latest news, to the point that keeping up with information can easily occupy an entire day.

“There’s so much info I need to prepare and take in, but you know what? The multiscreen feature on my S22 actually cuts the amount of time in half,” she said while speaking on multitasking. “I love being able to watch a livestream AND stay updated on social media in one screen. Saves so much of my time when I’m on the move!” she later added when speaking on her remote working habits.

“For me it’s definitely the camera quality and features that come with it,” Sachie replied, to which the girls replied that photos and videos are an important part of life not only for job prospects, but also for preserving personal memories and expressing yourself in the most creative way possible. “Some of my friends thought I shot them on a DSLR and that says a lot!” Sachie said about her phone’s camera ability, followed by a PSA from Dayang that echoed, “to all the mamas out there, why settle for mediocre selfies with your kids when you can have the most beautiful, sharp, and high-definition photos?! I’m obsessed with how gorgeous all my photos look on this phone!” before she started chuckling away.

The conversation naturally flowed to interesting projects, and the trio shared the latest happenings in their lives, but Shivani piqued the interest when she said that she’s been venturing outside late at night to experiment with low-light makeup content lately. This would usually be a bad idea due to the harsher lighting and heavy shadows, but she says her fascination started when she accidentally captured a perfect close-up one dark night and was pleasantly surprised by the result, stating — “It got me pretty ecstatic in trying to play around with the different modes of the camera and wondering how I could make more abstract shots with that. It was a pretty fun night for discovery!
The session ended on a high note, with the girls leaving with a greater understanding of each other’s vibes, career goals, and a multitude of other topics – from their humble beginnings to how they built something out of their passion, and the importance of photos for preserving memories and creative expression #withGalaxy. Whatever the future holds, it’s safe to say that the trio has established a bond today by being unapologetically themselves.
Ready to switch over and take on the world with the Galaxy S22 like our girl bosses? Find out more: https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-s22/buy/
Don’t miss out on their recent videos filmed #withGalaxy S22:
Dayang: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbw1teal_Zt/
Sachie: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbxDBAYpo4A/
Shivani: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbxBDQfBeG1/